What is California Form 433a?
In California, to convert the manufactured home to real property, Form 433a must be recorded. Generally speaking, the recorded 433A is required by the mortgage lender and/or the Title Company. Form 433A is a California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Form. It is also known as "Installation of a Manufactured Home on a Foundation System".
The form can be downloaded from http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/mhp/433A.pdf
The California Department of Housing and Community Development requires manufactured housing owners who affix their units to foundation systems to record a form known as Form 433A with HCD. The form is to be completed at the time a building permit is issued. After installation has been approved and on the sameday the certificate of occupancy has been issued, HCD shall record Form 433A with the county recorder's office. Thus, a preliminary title report should reveal whether a Form 433A was recorded.
What is California HCD Form 433c?
The California HCD Form 433c can only be recorded by an escrow agent. It gives public notice that the "Registered Owner" elects to convert their home from personal property to a fixture on the land (real property).
Also, it is the only exception in California when a manufactured home can be converted to a fixture without being on a "Foundation System" as outlined in California Code 18551. The requirements for this are:
1. The manufactured (mobile) home must be on land in a manufactured home park.
2. The manufactured (mobile) home land (park) was (or will) be converted to a resident-owned subdivision, cooperateiv, condominium, or nonprofit coporation pursant to California Code 11010.8.
3. The "Registered Owner" is a participant in the resident ownership of the park.